WE FIGHT ALL CITY FINES....including Building Code violations, tobacco tickets, business and liquor license violations, drinking on the public way, unrestrained animals, City debt collection, water bills, marijuana possession, cell phone tickets, public urination, possession of graffiti materials, harbor violations, vacant buildings, deceptive business practices, vacation rentals, taxi and public chauffeur violations, disorderly conduct, CTA violations, and many many more.
Our office is directly across the street from the City's Central Hearing Facility at 400 W. Superior and uniquely situated to provide a fast, affordable defense that will help reduce or eliminate your City fines.
Municipal Code violations are "Strict liability offenses" which means you are responsible for violations regardless of whether you did anything wrong. Innocence is no defense. Don't become a victim by paying unjust fines, hire someone who knows the law and how to beat them.